cover image: AI and the Afterlife: - From Digital Mourning to Mind Uploading


AI and the Afterlife: - From Digital Mourning to Mind Uploading

15 Feb 2024

The intellectual origins of mind uploading The Western intellectual origins of mind uploading coincide with the origins of the elevation of mind over body and the correlative depreciation of the latter. [...] The Gnostic mistrust of the Descartes aspired to a purified body and Greek notions of and perfected form of thinking souls unshackled from their ‘innocent’ of the body.5 Mathematics mortal frames resonate was the perfect candidate for the job, becoming in the mid-19th powerfully and dissonantly century “not just a model for pure in the ongoing quest for thinking but the means of describing technol. [...] It is now understood as a key part of the human nervous system.11 Herzfeld concludes: “While we are only beginning to understand the import of our microbiota, a complete model of the human mind would need to simulate brain, gut, and the millions of bacteria that inhabit the gut.”12 In light of the significant technological challenges of producing a precise map of the brain alone, which contains ov. [...] Just as the cascade effect of the waterfall represents something novel beyond the aggregation of individual water droplets, so the unified experience of consciousness and the continuity of the self cannot be reduced to the firing of neurons. [...] My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.32 One of the key teachings of the Jewish and Christian faiths is that God is the creator of the human body, with all of the splendour and shame it carries.
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