cover image: 4-085_Final_Report_National_Guidelines_and_Capacity_Building



18 Jan 2024

The process involved collaboration with the ANZG Guideline key stakeholder organisations and extensive community consultation to understand the needs and preferences of the autistic and autism communities regarding support for implementing the Guideline and other approaches. [...] The Guideline Lifecycle features a series of practical Recommendations that draw on the methodological strengths of the individual projects and the experiences and insights of individual team members and complements the National Health and Medical Research Council’s (2016) Guidelines for Guidelines and the GRADE methodology (Alonso-Coello et al., 2016). [...] Key steps included: (a) reviewing the SACG Dissemination and Implementation Plan that accompanied the Guideline; (b) critical review of the methods used and outcomes of the process used to develop the ADAG resources previously; and (c) an iterative process of developing, reviewing, and refining resources, with constant consideration of the needs of target users from across the autistic and autism. [...] • The gathering of evidence to inform possible implementation activities for the ANZG and other approaches involved collaboration with the ANZG key stakeholder organisations and extensive community consultation to understand the needs and preferences of the autistic and autism communities regarding support for implementing the Guideline as well as other approaches to autism support. [...] 1.5 Conclusion The objectives of this project were achieved, resulting in an updated ADAG, the development of implementation resources for the SACG, the gathering of evidence to inform the future implementation of the ANZG and other approaches to autism support, and the development of a Guideline Lifecycle to support ongoing Guideline-related projects.


Autism CRC

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