cover image: A Feasibility Study of Electric Bicycles - Case of Manikkal Gram Panchayat, Kerala


A Feasibility Study of Electric Bicycles - Case of Manikkal Gram Panchayat, Kerala

1 Feb 2024

Image credit: The photos included in the report were specifically taken by the members of the CEEW team with the consent of the women who rode the e-cycles that were displayed during the demonstration phase in Manikkal Gram Panchayat. [...] Additionally, the feedback from the users would be beneficial for the stakeholders from the Government and the Industry to implement relevant interventions that will enable the ecosystem for widescale adoption. [...] Subsequently, the potential demand for e-cycles was calculated at the state and national levels, considering the similarity in the operational characteristics and monthly incomes of the target groups. [...] Figure 5: Travel pattern of ASHA workers 4 • Size of the circle represents frequency of responses (Higher the count of response, larger is the circle) • Colour of the circle represents the usual load 3.5 carried per trip. [...] 5-6 crore** *The potential demand pan-India is estimated using the response rate from our primary survey and extrapolating it to the total number of beneficiaries obtained from the (Ministry of Women and Child Development 2023), (Ministry of Health and Family Welfare 2020) and (Ministry of Rural Development 2022) Note: **Considering the presence of formal SHG institutions pan-India and the willing.
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