cover image: IPC calls for urgent funds to sustain support to major food crises


IPC calls for urgent funds to sustain support to major food crises

14 Feb 2024

With the available resources, thanks to the ongoing contributions from the Department of Foreign Affairs Trade and Development (DFATD) of Canada, the European Union (EU), the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) of the United Kingdom and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the IPC will be able to maintain its current capacity until the end of 2024. [...] However, the current financial status will not permit the capacity enhancement required to pursue the target of geographic expan- sion, which foresees an increase of the current coverage of 30 countries by at least 30 percent by the end of 2026, and to undertake the necessary transformations and innovations required for a more efficient and agile IPC system. [...] The international community’s capacity to urgently provide an appropriate response to these crises is entrenched in our abil- ity to understand the severity and magnitude of the problem on the ground,” said José Lopez, the IPC Global Programme Manager. [...] In order to do so, the IPC needs the necessary resources not only to sustain but also to expand the country coverage, enhance country level capacities, ensure quality analyses, and continue developing the tools that will allow the IPC initiative to respond to the evolving information needs of decision makers. [...] While discussions with the DFATD of Canada, the EU and the FCDO of the United Kingdom are taking place for continued financial support, the IPC initiative calls for additional contributions from new resource partners.
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