cover image: SOMALIA



16 Feb 2024

This includes the Hawd Pastoral of Northeast and Central, Beletweyne District, the Middle and Lower Shabelle Riverine, and Agro-pastoral; the Bay Agro Pastoral in Bay; the Southern inland pastoral in Elberde District; the Bakool Low Potential (Hudur District); the North Gedo Riverine; the lower Juba Riverine; and Baardhere in Gedo, Buloburti, Jalaqasi, Mahas, and Mataban in Hiran. [...] In addition, the nutrition situation is expected to remain the same (at Serious) in the Wajid district, while an improvement in acute malnutrition is expected within the same phase in Hawd of the Northeast (within Critical level), and Juba southern Inland pastoral and Juba cattle pastoral within Serious. [...] In addition, the level of acute malnutrition is expected to remain in the same phase as in the current (Serious) classification in the other urban populations. [...] IDP populations bear the brunt of severe acute malnutrition in Somalia, with seven (Baidoa in Bay, Bosasso in Bari, Galkacyo in Mudug, Dhusamareb in Galgadud, Mogadishu in Banadir, Dolow and Kismayu in Lower Juba, and Beletweyne in Hiran) out of the eleven assessed populations classified in Critical situation while the other four displaced populations were classified in Serious. [...] It has benefited from the Conflict and insecurity limits access to the population of concern and lack of qualified technical and financial support of USAID, UK partners in some areas: Juba and parts of Central (Coastal Deeh and Cowpea), Hiran Government, European Union, Sweden and (Buloburti and Jalalaqsi), Bay, Bakoo (Teiglow and Rabdhure), and parts of Shabelle Switzerland.
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