cover image: Business tri-fold brochure (Civic design


Business tri-fold brochure (Civic design

15 Feb 2024

3 Representative profile Soil of the Year 2024 An acidic and nutrient-poor Stagnosol (Pseudogley according to the German soil taxonomy) in the Tharandt Forest near Dresden was selected to repre- sent the diversity of forest soils. [...] The actual humus form points to the magnitude of biological activity and nutrient turnover, as well as to the nutri- ent availability in the topsoil. [...] 8 How is the forest soil doing? – Results of the National Forest Soil Inventory (NFSI) The National Forest Soil Inventory (NFSI) provides information about the current state and the changes of our forest soils. [...] 11 The Soil of the Year 2024 in Germany was proclaimed on World Soil Day 2023 in the venue of the Ministry of Food and Agriculture in Berlin. [...] The Federal Minister Cem Özdemir has taken the patronage of the “Soil of the Year” campaign.
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