cover image: Annual Report 1996 - Bureau of Economic Geology


Annual Report 1996 - Bureau of Economic Geology

5 Apr 1997

The Bureau provides ongoing services to governmental agencies including reviews of ( 1 ) environmental impact statements that are submitted to the Office of the Governor of Texas and (2) permit applications that are submitted to the Surface Mining and Reclamation Division of the Railroad Commission of Texas and to the Environmental and Consumer Health Protection Division of the Texas Department of. [...] The Annual Report of the Bureau of Economic Geology outlines the scope and status of current research projects, publications, personnel activities, and services in the area of Texas resources and geology that are available to governmental agencies, industry, and the public. [...] Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service; Louisiana State University; and the Geological Survey of Alabama, the Bureau is also nearing completion of the first of two atlas volumes detailing gas and oil reservoirs in the Federal and State offshore waters of the northern Gulf of Mexico. [...] The study consisted of compiling and summarizing site information and quantifying the size, mass, and duration of plumes, all important steps in the eventual cleanup of the pollutants. [...] As a result of projects in 1996, the Bureau continued to develop special expertise in the geologic and hydrogeologic setting and characteristics of waste sites, the fate and transport of contaminants in the subsurface, aquifer dynamics and architecture, soil-cover mechanics, and other geologic and engineering topics related to environmental issues.
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United States of America