cover image: Insights: Boomerang Movers - Series 3, Episode 5 with Prof. Emily Grundy and Toby Murray


Insights: Boomerang Movers - Series 3, Episode 5 with Prof. Emily Grundy and Toby Murray

1 Feb 2024

Catherine McDonald 11:13 So if we to conclude then that in some cases returning home is good for your mental health? How do we reconcile that with the idea that one of the perceived markers of successful adulthood is residential independence? Emily Grundy 11:28 Well, I think there's been a lot of sort of reconsideration of that idea really, partly because the whole process of transition to adultho. [...] Catherine McDonald 14:29 And do you get a sense that this is all getting worse that this sort of correlation between money and mental health and financial insecurity and mental health is a new phenomena and it's just getting worse? Toby Murray 14:42 That is, that's an excellent and very difficult question to answer. [...] So and housing, you know, both psychologically, emotionally, and in terms of comfort and security is so important that it seems to me that that, really eroding that and increasing unaffordability of homeownership and so forth, you know, that may well underlie really quite a lot of these problems. [...] But certainly I had experienced through my research of people talking about how it was nice to move in with your parents and to develop that relationship and like for them to get to know you as an adult, and for that relationship to have a slightly different dimension to it. [...] Oh, and finally, if I can, and that I will stop something that I think just I don't think it's going to make anyone's manifesto but I think it's so important is the data that we have on young people is so patchy.
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