cover image: 89 - Ed-tech landscape and challenges in Asia and the Middle East and

89 - Ed-tech landscape and challenges in Asia and the Middle East and

7 Feb 2024

4 The World Bank’s measurement of Government Effectiveness captures perceptions of the quality of public services, the quality of the civil service and the degree of its independence from political pressures, the quality of policy formulation and implementation, and the credibility of the government's commitment to such policies. [...] Changes to the ed-tech landscape since the COVID-19 pandemic were assessed by looking at the coverage and offerings of ed-tech for beneficiaries; changes to support mechanisms such as the role of government, policy priorities and funding; changes in attitudes; and challenges and opportunities faced by ed-tech providers in expanding the use of ed-tech since the pandemic. [...] In the case of Vietnam, the Ministry of Education and Training (MoET) focused on improving quality education and training from 2016-2020, by strengthening the use of ICT in order to manage and support teaching and learning activities and scientific research (Ministry of Education and Training, 2017). [...] Analysis of the ed-tech landscape Ed-tech aims, applications and types An analysis of the 123 ed-tech PPIs found in the regions reveals that the most prevalent aims of ed-tech in the selected countries have been to improve learning outcomes, as related to SDG4, and to enhance the resilience and responsiveness of education systems in relation to disruptions (Figure 4). [...] In Sri Lanka, for instance, the vision and plan to invest in the future of education, along with the support and interest from the Ministry of Education have been major facilitators for the implementation of the Nenasa programme.

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