cover image: COUNTRY OVERVIEW - Ending Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation: ITALY


COUNTRY OVERVIEW - Ending Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation: ITALY

9 Feb 2024

The Italian the Ministry of Interior to record and store provision introduces some enhancements national data on convicted sex offenders.253 to Article 23 of the Lanzarote Convention The Interagency Information System of the and the related opinion and explanatory Central Directorate of the Criminal Police note.247 This includes the fact that the law is the responsible agency. [...] Started on 1 February 2021, it is a in the presence of the judge and the other two-year project that aims to implement parties of the trial, with many guarantees and advocate for a more victim-sensitive for the child.332 In this case, the examination approach within criminal proceedings of the child is carried out in the form of the regarding child victims and witnesses of so-called “protected hea. [...] However, the perception of In the first case, the child can bring the case the civil society, shared in the drafting of this before a civil court to have the recognition Country Overview, is that the insufficiency and assessment of the suffered damage. [...] communities, including through the National Fund for Childhood and Adolescence.353 On a related note, in June 2022, the National Observatory for Children and Adolescents The 5th National Plan of Action and adopted guidelines on the participation of Interventions for the Protection of the Rights children and adolescents in order to foster and the Development of Children and the involvement of young. [...] to foster participation of young people in the monitoring phase of the Plan itself and in the The drafting procedure of the second drafting of future ones.354 National Plan brought a good example of child participation in the dialogue with Children’s participation is also guaranteed institutions but the objectives of the Plan within the Authority for Children and itself do not fully mirror that ai.
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