cover image: Arming Civilians in Burkina Faso


Arming Civilians in Burkina Faso

20 Feb 2024

Significantly, the presence of the military in power interacts with various forms of violent governance of populations, notably that of the “citizen in arms”. [...] This decision presented a true turning point in the discourse of the Burkinabè government, accelerating the militarization of society in the fight against jihadist groups. [...] Furthermore, the establishment of the VDP solidifies the hegemony of the Burkinabè mili- tary in the national security domain. [...] Like other countries in the region9, the exclusion of the Fulani has acceler- ated because they have been accused of constituting most of the jihadist groups, leading politicians, the military, Koglweogos and the VDP to contest their membership to the national community. [...] In parallel, the promotion and dissemination of the military profession and the political power of the military have created hopes for social advancement among segments of the population.


Fath, Julia

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