cover image: TIPS_The_European_Green_Deal_and_its_implications_for_trade_December_



13 Feb 2024

The low historical contribution of the continent to global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and the debt of the African continent that threatens the development of the continent needs to be considered. [...] South Africa as the single largest exporter to the EU also dominates exports of ores (68% of all African ore exports to the EU), natural stones and pearls (58% of all African natural stones and pearls exports to the EU), and machinery and mechanical appliances (65% of all African machinery and mechanical appliance exports to the EU). [...] In addition, the study examines vulnerability, which reflects the overall diversification of exports, by analysing the proportion of exports covered by the European Green Deal relative to the country’s total exports to the world. [...] The main aim of the EGD in this sector is to reduce the waste generated by the sector for both environmental and GHG emission contributions from the upstream to the downstream. [...] This is evident by the green industrial policy the EU introduced post the adoption of the IRA in the US, as it has been noted that the IRA will make firms in the EU less competitive, thereby impacting their trade with the rest of the world.


Seutame Maimele

Published in
South Africa