

15 Dec 2023

NDIAN COUNCIL OF WORLD AFFAIRS Annual Accounts For the yeaf 2022-2023 NDEX Receipt & Payment Account of ICWA for the year ended31.03.2023 1 a Balance Sheet as on 3I.03.2023 J Income & Expenditure Account for the year ended 3t.03.2023 4 Separate Audit Report 15 INDIAN COUNCIL OF WORLD AFFAIRS RECEIPTS AND PAYMENTS FOR THE PERIOD APR¡L O], 2OZ2 TO MARCH 3I, ZA23 (Á.mount in Rs.) TECEIPTS Current Yea. [...] lrl¿v¡ n¡llhi..!i0 001 ñ @ INDIAN COUNCIL O-F WORLD AFFAIRS SCHEDULES FORMINC PART OF BALANCE SHEET AS AT MARCH 3I ' 2023 SCHEDULE 5 _ FIXEDASSETS (.{mcrnt in at at year up to As at the As at theas at during the year end beginning of Deduct¡on the year-end Current year- Previous year- beginning of during the year the year during end endthe year year the year Funds 2ì,85,886 67,963 22,53,849 6,ì ì,. [...] Indian Council of World Affairs, a society registered under the Societies Registration A!t, 1860 was established in 1943 ås a non'world profit making inslitution" Ministry of Law, Jistice_and tompany Affairs isiued the Indian council of Affeirs Ûr¡iinance 2000 (3 Jtõgû) wher"by the managemeni of the council was taken over by the Government of India- The ordin¡nce rvErs fufiher by enactment of the. [...] The present managemen! as per avsilable recÕrds, has no liability oñ account of lease rent- In case, cost of the land is part of the cost of building iO*n Êunå¡, depreciation charged on the building may be contrary to the generally accepted accounting principles. [...] rel¿tes to the llalance Sheet" of the st*te of a"ffairs of the Indian Council of World AfIbir,s as at 3l $t Trifarch 2û?3 and b.
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