cover image: Mayors Commission on Water Equity’s U.S. Policy Agenda


Mayors Commission on Water Equity’s U.S. Policy Agenda

6 Feb 2024

Water Alliance and the Mayors Commission’s Advisory Team.3 SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATIONS Replace Lead Service Lines Quickly, Equitably and Efficiently Federal Government: ● Provide guidance to states on best practices for the equitable allocation of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) lead service line replacement (LSLR) funds to communities and actively engage states on these issues wh. [...] 1 ● Require landlords, property owners and those selling their homes to disclose the presence of any lead service lines, lead fixtures and lead solder to tenants and buyers ● Provide guidance to states and local governments on trusted technologies for the efficient and effective detection, mapping and replacement of lead service lines State Governments: ● Maximize the strategic use of set asides f. [...] Maximizing the strategic use of set asides from IIJA LSLR funds has the dual value of improving the efficiency and equitable outcomes of LSLR projects and improving the loan-to-principal forgiveness ratio for LSLR project awards.6 EPA should encourage the use of set asides from IIJA LSLR funds to inventory and track the replacement of LSLs; provide community education and outreach to facilitate th. [...] States should use set aside funds to provide direct support to municipalities to inventory and track the replacement of LSLs; support community education and outreach to facilitate the efficient, equitable implementation of LSLR projects; develop a local workforce for LSLR projects and achieve efficiencies in procurement and other factors that can reduce the per-pipe costs for LSLR projects. [...] In addition to building public-sector capacity, state and local administrators should build partnerships with nonprofit organizations and third-party technical assistance providers to take full advantage of their expertise and insights and expand capacity to access and utilize SRF and other water infrastructure funding and financing programs.


Travis Wheeler

Published in
United States of America