cover image: Quick Read - PR1.3 Report of Preliminary Findings - In the spirit of the National Agreement and the NSW Implementation Plan, Priority Reform One is


Quick Read - PR1.3 Report of Preliminary Findings - In the spirit of the National Agreement and the NSW Implementation Plan, Priority Reform One is

29 Jan 2024

Heading Quick Read PR1.3 Report of Preliminary Findings In the spirit of the National Agreement and the NSW Implementation Plan, Priority Reform One is about empowering Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to enact self-determination in partnership with all levels of government, and that doing so will result in better outcomes, without which the Closing the Gap targets and outcomes will n. [...] The PR1.3 Report of Preliminary Findings summarises the key findings arising from research, consultation and engagement activities undertaken in the first stage of the project. [...] A desktop (literature) review of quantitative and qualitative data, publicly available reports, and scholarly and grey literature to identify good or better practice in funding and disbursement models for effective partnerships between government and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and organisations, from Australian and international examples; and comparison of existing practice in NS. [...] Key findings include: Funding needs to be secure and aligned with the length of the partnership: Longer term funding of five years or more for participation in partnerships focused on long term, complex issues is seen as necessary to address power inequalities among parties in and aspiring to enter partnerships with governments. [...] There is a low administrative burden for funding applicants and recipients: The administrative requirements, including monitoring and reporting, associated with partnership funding should be as low and streamlined as possible, and funding levels should sufficiently account for the actual time it takes to meet such requirements.


Monique Rennie

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