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Our Impact

12 Feb 2024

Myanmar OUR SEPTEMBER BRIEFING examining the the Burmese-language overview of the briefing Ta’ang National Liberation Army’s (TNLA) con- to the media and other materials in Burmese solidation of control in northern Shan State including a subtitled video and press release since the 2021 coup was a distinctive case of to ensure maximum reach. [...] Our President & CEO Comfort on addressing the broader ramifications of Ero advised senior officials across Europe of the Ukraine war and bridging divides between the need to help other regions grapple with the European policymakers and their Global South economic shocks of the conflict, as highlighted Crisis Group President & CEO Comfort Ero attending the Yalta European Strategy conference in Kyiv. [...] Nagorno-Karabakh CRISIS GROUP REMAINS Crisis Group re- War Between Azerbaijan and Armenia, pro- mains the go-to organisation for policymakers vided recommendations to the sides as well grappling with how to mitigate the humanitar- as to mediators, especially the EU, which sent ian crisis provoked by the mass exodus of a civilian mission to the Armenian side of the ethnic Armenians from Nagorno-Kar. [...] We also placed an op-ed in the mats of the dangers presented by Azerbaijan’s Russian edition of Forbes arguing that Russia months-long blockade of the region and mili- would benefit from cooperating with the EU to tary buildup in the weeks ahead of its offensive. [...] end, Crisis Group conducts independent The pillars of lasting peace, Crisis Group research in conflict zones, endeavouring to believes, are more inclusive politics; the talk to all sides, and supplies expert advice reliable provision of basic public goods and and policy ideas to those in a position to make services; and representative and accountable a difference.
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