cover image: Genesis and tuning of content - How and why Maurizio Capuzzo


Genesis and tuning of content - How and why Maurizio Capuzzo

6 Feb 2024

Genesis and tuning of content How and why Maurizio Capuzzo generative AI defines the new age of marketing Generative AI plays the role of maestro in the marketing orchestra; it coordinates its content across different channels, with the innovative subtlety of machine learning. [...] AI’s democratization of data analysis is akin to a renaissance in marketing - it brings the power of in-depth data comprehension to the fingertips of even the most tech-averse marketer. [...] • Overcoming the limitations of traditional marketing: The AI-powered solution offers a better mix of depth and breadth than traditional marketing approaches, providing insights from initial interest to late-stage marketing interactions and predicting when customers are in the market to find a solution to their needs. [...] It’s a formidable ally in the quest to align our initiatives with the heartbeat of our customer base, providing our position as market forerunners. [...] Moving beyond the confines of marketing automation, the strategic application of generative AI is a harbinger of a new era in marketing—a time when marketers are endowed with the insi- ght and acuity to craft campaigns that truly resonate on a human level.
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