cover image: ELP Grants and Country Work - Thematic Round : Quality Early Learning (2023-2026) (English)


ELP Grants and Country Work - Thematic Round : Quality Early Learning (2023-2026) (English)

22 Feb 2024

Early Learning Partnership (ELP) Systems Research is six million research program, funded by the UK Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) to deliver policy-relevant, quality research on early learning systems. ELP Systems Research has had a significant impact on early learning program and policy decisions and helped increase government capacity in the focus countries. This report focuses on the list of ELP grants and country work awarded for thematic round Quality Early Learning (2023-2026).
early childhood education world education and economic growth education and the knowledge economy learning theory and cognitive development


World Bank

Disclosure Date
Disclosure Status
Doc Name
ELP Grants and Country Work - Thematic Round : Quality Early Learning (2023-2026)
Originating Unit
Education Global (HEDGE)
Published in
United States of America
Unit Owning
Education Global (HEDGE)
Version Type
Volume No