cover image: New Partnerships to Achieve Justice for Children - An Intergenerational Resource Guide and


New Partnerships to Achieve Justice for Children - An Intergenerational Resource Guide and

8 Jan 2024

The learning from the child justice assessment questions forms the starting point of deep efforts to build the data and apply the evidence to drive change for each of the four Pillars in the OECD’s Child-Friendly Justice Framework (as seen on pg. [...] After the meeting, the facilitator should circulate the revised TORs that everyone agreed on, requesting participants to sign the TORs and code of conduct as a demonstration of commitment to the process and common ways of working. [...] By the end of this activity, the group will have: Revisited the ingredients for intergenerational and intersectional partnerships (from the J4C ‘New Partnerships’ policy brief) Reflected about what aspects of partnership are most important to them, and the role they can play in putting these into practice in the context of the group. [...] The objective of the activity is for the group to work together to create a visual representation of key milestones that provide the contours of child-friendly justice in their country. [...] It also to discuss the importance of child provides an opportunity to explore protection and the role of the justice how the justice system can be more system in ensuring a safe and supportive and sensitive to the needs supportive environment for children of children in conflict with the law.


Anna Jreisat

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