Searching for Hope Beyond the Failed EU Directive on Platform Work: Fairwork’s Response to The Failed Council Vote


Searching for Hope Beyond the Failed EU Directive on Platform Work: Fairwork’s Response to The Failed Council Vote

26 Feb 2024

The Fairwork Project @TowardsFairWork Searching for Hope Beyond the Failed EU Directive on Platform Work: Fairwork’s Response to The Failed Council Vote On Friday the 16th of February, 2024, EU member states failed to agree on a proposed Directive to regulate platform work. [...] Most importantly, it would have given a unified message to platform companies that despite the intense corporate lobbying to shift the discourse, the EU's priority continues to lie primarily with the wellbeing and interests of workers. [...] Worse still, the failure will be to the detriment of those platforms that have already developed more socially acceptable business models and wanted help from the EU to ensure that these offerings do not continue to put them at a competitive disadvantage. [...] Despite the Council’s decision to shut down conversations on regulation, we need to continue to push key policy stakeholders to create the conditions for a fair future of platform work. [...] 3) Invest in research: The EU should continue to foster scholarly conversations that provide an in-depth understanding of platform work and offer solutions to the problems faced by platform workers.


Lola Brittain

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United Kingdom