cover image: CONSERVATIVE PERSPECTIVES - A New Birth of Freedom: Free Markets, the Institutions of


CONSERVATIVE PERSPECTIVES - A New Birth of Freedom: Free Markets, the Institutions of

21 Feb 2024

The Framers were influenced in this by the political writers and philosophers who had l Did “market fundamentalism” result in witnessed the wars of religion, the English Civil avoidable social ills? War, and their aftermath.8 For these thinkers, the avoidance of civil war was the chief object of l Are the proposed solutions of restricted government. [...] In contrast China compounded the problem by embarking to the warnings of the ecological doomsters of on a jamboree of underhanded practices includ- the 1960s, the world has not run out of food. [...] CP04 A One example is in the steady rise since the The argument could be made that this is the mid-1960s in prime-age working men who have hidden effect of the loss of manufacturing jobs, withdrawn from the labor force. [...] This helps to explain some moral goal for a forgiving people.” of the disconnect between the apparently healthy At the other end of the scale is a contrasting economy and the experiences of millions of men problem. [...] not very remote when the benefits of a liberal & This is because the planners do not have the knowl- free commerce will, pretty generally, succeed to edge necessary for rational planning and because the devastations & horrors of war.”50 there is no way to calculate the cost of using factors It is the administrative state that is the biggest in one production sequence over alternative uses burden o.
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United States of America