cover image: CASE STUDY - Building Blocks Toward 20-Minute Neighborhoods - A case study of the Alum Rock

CASE STUDY - Building Blocks Toward 20-Minute Neighborhoods - A case study of the Alum Rock

31 Jan 2024

CASE STUDY FEBRUARY 2024 ILLUSTRATION OF A RE-ENVISIONED 20-MINUTE NEIGHBORHOOD IN ALUM ROCK, SAN JOSÉ ILLUSTRATION BY SAM RODRIGUEZ Building Blocks Toward 20-Minute Neighborhoods A case study of the Alum Rock neighborhood in San José CASE STUDY: ALUM ROCK 2 Introduction San José, often referred to as the "Capital of Silicon Valley," stands at the forefront of technological innovation and economic. [...] By establishing a baseline as the Alum Rock Urban Village boundary, we set out to study what the 20-minute city concept could offer toward an easily adaptive, positive vision for the future of this community, and by extension, the City of San José. [...] The Alum Rock Urban Village Plan was approved by the San José City Council in October 2013 and entailed the rezoning of certain land uses between King Road and Highway 680 for ground floor commercial and commercial uses. [...] CASE STUDY: ALUM ROCK 7 Urban Villages The City of San José has planned for urban villages to include a mix of uses for many reasons: to disperse employment, to grow or create clusters of activity, to ensure that retail and other local services are available throughout the city, and to create opportunities for small businesses, small tech firms, and start-ups. [...] Cultural Landmarks Source: SOM CASE STUDY: ALUM ROCK 19 Takeaways There are a number of opportunities underway to recognize and enshrine the cultural heritage of the Alum Rock, Little Portugal, and Mayfair communities.
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United States of America