

14 Feb 2024

Seize the opportunity to sponsor an evening of cocktails, dinner, and networking! $6,500 AUDIENCE per sponsorship; 50+ of the top corporate 3 available privacy executives Benefits of Sponsorship include: ❱ Opportunity for up to (2) of your organization’s staff to attend the Privacy Executives Summit Welcome Reception. [...] $5,000–$10,000 AUDIENCE Varying levels of Invite-only sponsorship available FPF Member CPOs and DPOs FPF DELEGATION TOUR SPONSOR • $5,000 • 2 available ❱ Sponsor name and logo included in Tour invitation and schedule of events with recognition, “Tour brought to you by [Your Company Name].” ❱ Company name and logo displayed on signage in the transportation vehicle. [...] FPF DELEGATION LUNCHEON SPONSOR • $7,500 • 2 available ❱ Sponsor name and logo included in Lunch invitation and schedule of events with recognition, “Lunch brought to you by [Your Company Name].” ❱ Company name and logo displayed on signage at Luncheon. [...] FPF DELEGATION DINNER SPONSOR • $10,000 • 2 available ❱ Sponsor name and logo included in Dinner invitation and schedule of events with recognition, “Dinner brought to you by [Your Company Name].” ❱ Company name and logo displayed on signage at Dinner. [...] Benefits of Sponsorship include: ❱ Sponsor name and logo displayed in the General Briefing as a banner advertisement (Banner to be designed by sponsor and subject to review by FPF.
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