cover image: Floating Offshore Wind Dynamic Cables: Overview of


Floating Offshore Wind Dynamic Cables: Overview of

15 Feb 2024

The horizontal distance between the floating substructure and the touchdown point depends on the water depth and cable configuration of the project. [...] The inter-array cable of one or multiple turbine(s) (often at the ends of the array) connects directly to the substation (if used) and/or export cable, transporting the power from all the other turbines to the grid. [...] The first strategy where the floater is already moored on site implies dry-storage of the cables (as they arrive on the vessel’s carousel) and the second implies wet-storage of the cables at the project site prior to arrival of the floater. [...] In addition, the principal gap for the design process is the lack of guidance of the cost-benefit of reducing the motion characteristics for the floater versus reinforcing the equipment and cables for increased floater motions. [...] The expert should complement the work of the Marine Warranty Surveyor, the latter being typically responsible for a) prior to installation, ensuring the cable is suitable for spooling and installation; the vessels, related equipment and contractors are adequate and b) surveying the installation phase, but not surveying the quality of jointing works.
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