cover image: fy2023_QA_3q



16 Feb 2024

As the consolidation took place in H2 of FY2022, I think this is the first quarter in which we can easily compare the YoY results, but if we look at the profit and loss situation, I think the operating income has probably decreased, and the EBITDA is in a flat range. [...] Once again, I would like to know the reason for the decrease in operating income despite the increase in net sales, and also, I think it will be quite difficult to achieve the full- year operating income plan if the current situation continues, but are you expecting any special factors or something in Q4? A: The reason for the drop in operating income in Q3 is due to the drop in operating income o. [...] However, with regard to the Public & Infrastructure projects, etc., the Digital Agency has issued the Priority Policy Program for Realizing Digital Society and we are seeing a great increase in inquiries about the sophistication of public administration and the improvement of convenience at the point of contact with the public. [...] Q&A Session 2 Q: Regarding the structural transformation costs on page 12 of the Company Presentation material, if we subtract the portion of the costs already used, which are written in black, from the full-year plan to calculate the costs for Q4, the remainder is JPY6.5 billion. [...] Q: Is it correct to understand that the level assumes the sale of the data center you mentioned earlier? A: There is the amount of investment in the data center, and in terms of capital expenditure, there will be a reasonable amount in Q4, so you can include that in your assumptions.
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