cover image: Revised Oxford principles for net zero aligned carbon offsetting


Revised Oxford principles for net zero aligned carbon offsetting

26 Feb 2024

These can play a key role in the short and medium term to protect the carbon stored in vulnerable ecosystems and accelerate the transition to a low-carbon society, but the scope for further emission reductions will decrease as we approach the net zero target date. [...] Nature targets: for biodiversity and ecosystem restoration Alongside credible net zero commitments, it is critical for organisations to align corporate objectives and targets with the goals and targets of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework to halt and reverse biodiversity loss by 2030 and substantially increase the area of natural habitats and the abundance of wild species by 2050.. [...] What explicit actions can be taken in the short to medium term to support the development of projects that may be needed to achieve a net zero in future? Organisations can use their buying power, demand signals, and political and social credibility to drive meaningful change today in the following ways: 4A Using long-term agreements that are bankable and investable to provide certainty to project. [...] As part of this, it is important to acknowledge the differentiated roles and responsibilities of certain sectors, and certain actors within sectors, in supporting the development of the market for credible and durable removals. [...] 4D Supporting the protection and restoration of a wide range of ecosystems in their own right While investing in credits can be one of the mechanisms for supporting high-quality nature-based solutions, especially in the short to medium term, ecosystem restoration and protection must be rapidly scaled up and valued for a broader suite of social and environmental benefits, including resilience to cl.
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