cover image: Using the Wikimedia sphere for the revitalization of small and underrepresented languages in India

Using the Wikimedia sphere for the revitalization of small and underrepresented languages in India

10 Feb 2024

Languages spoken in the Republic of India belong to several language families, the major ones being the Indo-Aryan languages spoken by 78.05% of Indians and the Dravidian languages spoken by 19.64% of Indians. [...] Apart from the languages of the North-East and the state of Odisha, there are several other languages all over India that deserve better representation on the Internet. [...] One of the major reasons that contribute to the lack of resources is the difficulty in human access to some of the areas in these regions. [...] The goal of this program is to facilitate the study of these languages by making existing resources discoverable and building open-source structured datasets and tools using the Wikimedia sphere to enrich the language research landscape of small and underrepresented Indian languages. [...] Wikisource for texts Capacity Building workshops - Promoting the language among the young speakers of the community, since they are the future of the language and if it survives, it will belong to them.



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