cover image: Strengthening U.S. Economic Engagement in the Indo-Pacific


Strengthening U.S. Economic Engagement in the Indo-Pacific

14 Feb 2024

economic engagement in the Indo-Pacific, keeping in mind the evolving trade landscape in the region, the tough domestic politics on trade, as well as setbacks and downsides to previous approaches. [...] • Rebuild the Partnership between Congress and the Administration: Highlighting the strong bipartisan support for the United-States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), participants advocated rebuilding the partnership between the legislative and executive branches to advance a credible and durable trade agenda. [...] Several speakers pointed out the gaps in the current trade narrative, emphasizing the need for leadership and a motivating trade vision from the administration. [...] Participants underscored the importance of a more robust and collaborative relationship between Congress and the executive branch to advance the U. [...] A practical challenge raised was the need for the reauthorization of key trade programs such as the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) and the Miscellaneous Tariff Bill (MTB).


Graham Austin

Published in
United States of America