cover image: Hunter Power Project


Hunter Power Project

13 Feb 2024

The Department The Department’s primary role is to set out the conditions of approval, and to review and approve the CHMP, administerm odifications to the approval and significant changes to management plans (which cannot be endorsed by the ER), and oversee compliance of the Project to the Infrastructure Approval. [...] The strategy developed will depend on variables that include the assessed significance of the Aboriginal object and the assessed likelihood of further Aboriginal objects being present in the area The requirements of the management strategy must be complied with prior to the resumption of works in that area. [...] The Site Supervisor will demarcate the area to protect the possible human skeletal material (remains) and inform all site personnel of restricted access to the area of discovery until further notice The Principal Contractor is to record the details, take photos of the find and its context (without causing further excavation or disturbance) and notify the heritage practitioner and the NSW Police. [...] The RAPs will also be responsible for providing information back to the broader membership of the Registered Aboriginal Party that they represent, and It is the responsibility of the RAPs to ensure that the representative has the required experience and the delegation to act in this capacity. [...] The the details of the contracts and terms to set out the roles and Principal Contractor or responsibilities of each of the RAPs and be subject to Snowy Hydro will engage consultation between the Registered Aboriginal Parties and the site officers.


Whyte, Chelayne

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