cover image: The fiscal future of public education in the District of Columbia


The fiscal future of public education in the District of Columbia

9 Feb 2024

The fiscal future of public education in the District of Columbia In school year 2024-25, public schools in D. [...] What is the size of the funding gap, how will schools be impacted, and what can schools do now to prepare? 2019 to 2024 1/3 of the public education funding growth has come from sources outside the funding formula: The COVID-19 pandemic drastically changed the fiscal landscape of the Federal grants, specifically ESSER funds (4% of school District of Columbia and its public budgets between fiscal ye. [...] Between years 2020-21 and 2021-22, schools The rapid growth in staffing relative to the saw an average 0.7% drop in enrollment and decreases in enrollment has been the fueled by an 18.2% increase in spending. [...] KEY TAKEAWAY: SCHOOLS SHOULD PREPARE FOR THE FISCAL CLIFF NOW Prepare pragmatically and focus on early and clear communication to families and staff about the changing fiscal environment, loss of resources, and potential budget shifts in school year 2024-25. [...] Read the full report The fiscal future of public education in the District of Columbia is available online: D.
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