cover image: The JRC-ENCR Quality Check Software (QCS) for the validation of cancer registry data: user compendium


The JRC-ENCR Quality Check Software (QCS) for the validation of cancer registry data: user compendium

30 Jan 2024

19 While the validation process is running, the number of checked records keeps updating in the display text box: Once the validation ends, the output window displays a short summary report about the completed process, including the total number of checked records and the total number of errors and warning messages. [...] This functionality checks the existence of configuration files, the integrity of single files, the integrity of configuration files and returns the integrity status of either all schemas or the current schema; • Load the protocol tables/Browse the protocol table. [...] 28 The following screenshots refer to the QCS-Incidence-Output.csv file: Detail of the left part of the csv file Detail of the right part of the csv file 29 6 How to interpret the incidence files’ output generated by the QCS Two types of messages are included in the output reports: W-YYYY (warning code) and E-YYYY (error code), where the code YYYY identifies the specific type of message. [...] In example above, the QCS gives the warning W-MPMT because according to the 2004 International Rules the two records could refer to the same tumour of different laterality, with the same morphology diagnosed in paired organs(Table 15 of the JRC Technical report). [...] 40 In this example, the QCS gives the warning W-MPMT because according to the 2004 International Rules the two topographies are the same (C18) and the two morphologies are in the same group.



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