No disadvantage shall result for any person belonging to a minority as the of the United Nations, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the consequence of the exercise or non-exercise of the rights as set forth in Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, this Declaration. [...] The World Conference on Human Rights (June 1993) The strong identification of state with religion and called upon the Commission on Human Rights to examine culture of the majority leads to alienation of the ways and means to promote and protect effectively the minorities; as a result, the religious minorities tend rights of persons belonging to minorities as set out in the to become ‘exclusivist’. [...] recommendations for the implementation of the Declaration on the Rights of Persons Belonging to 43 On monitoring by the use of indicators, the Sub National or Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic Minorities, Commission might study ways to assist states in carrying recommendations for the implementation, when out ongoing, systematic monitoring of the situation of adopted, of the Universal Declaration. [...] In cooperation with the United 53 Also in the guidelines of the Committee on the Rights Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural of the Child, states are requested to provide Organisation (UNESCO) and the Committee on the information on how respect for the views of the child Rights of the Child, the programme of advisory services (Article 12) is ensured. [...] 54 The Committee on the Rights of the Child should give 48 The treaty bodies (committees monitoring the special attention to the implementation of the aims and implementation of human rights conventions) can play a content of education, as provided for in Article 29 of the significant role in the early warning and prevention of Convention, examining whether and how the conflict.
- Pages
- 28
- Published in
- United Kingdom