cover image: Request for Proposals - Consultancy for Gender Pay Review for the Americas Field Division

Request for Proposals - Consultancy for Gender Pay Review for the Americas Field Division

6 Mar 2024

The consultant will execute the analysis in one of the nine countries first, to gather relevant insights and lessons learned, to adjust the rest of the work. [...] 3 Proposal to scale the Analysis on how The document justifies 5 weeks (5%) analysis in the other to scale the pay what adjustments after the seven countries. [...] We fully respect and enforce the environmental and social standards recognized by the international community, including the fundamental conventions of International Labour Organization (ILO) and international conventions for the protection of the environment, in line with the laws and regulations applicable to the country where the contract is to be performed. [...] We have fulfilled our obligations relating to the payment of social security contributions or taxes in accordance with the legal provisions of the country where the contract is to be performed. [...] 4 Analysis of potential gender gaps in compensation that might exist in the rest of the countries and regionally in English, with and Executive Summary in English and Spanish.
Published in
United States of America