cover image: Tracking urban health policies: a conceptual framework with special focus on air pollution in African cities


Tracking urban health policies: a conceptual framework with special focus on air pollution in African cities

14 Mar 2023

The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of WHO concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. [...] Readers of the document are taken through a clear exposition of the health and well-being risks of air pollution as well as a carefully detailed and informed account of the drivers of change that ensure the systemic shifts needed to set a different course for urban air pollution in Africa. [...] Due to the changeable nature of the rural and urban areas, and the fact that they face similar types of health burdens, it is essential to account for the often ignored rural areas, focus on the possibility of building multi-scalar approaches that are applicable to all human settlements, and to take into consideration the key risk factors that influence health and well-being (WHO, 1976; Tabibzadeh. [...] A positive perspective on health should accompany risk reduction strategies because the promotion of public health is not just a matter of developing better epidemiological and medical surveillance of pathologies and improving health systems, but it is also a matter of identifying the social and environmental determinants of health and the behavioural and social dimensions of well-being. [...] Policy tracking is the development and application of systematic approaches to identifying and evaluating the planning, implementation and progress of a policy, programme or intervention (rather than laws or measures) over time and space, and between and across populations and sectors.


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