cover image: Charte d’accueil des chercheurs doctorants et des jeunes docteurs


Charte d’accueil des chercheurs doctorants et des jeunes docteurs

28 Feb 2024

On the basis of a document submitted by the student (a report on the progress of the thesis accompanied by scholarly materials), the participants will discuss the content of the research, any training requirements, opportunities for the development and organization of the PhD student’s work. [...] It is responsible for assessing the progress concerning the work on the thesis in order to ensure that it will lead to the presentation of a thesis before the end of the PhD funding contract. [...] The supervisors undertake to - support PhD students in their exploration of the thesis subject to ensure that it is in keeping with the state of the art, academic standards, professional openings, promotion possibilities and the time allowed for completing the PhD thesis, as defined by the duration of the funding contract; - support PhD students in establishing a progressive and realistic work pla. [...] - The INED supervisor and the head of the hosting unit facilitate the integration of PhD students into the life of the unit, but to a reasonable extent in order not to hinder the progress of the thesis. [...] The table in Appendix 1 presents three forms of support, corresponding to the various stages in the writing and promotion of the thesis: Thesis period, directly covered by this charter; Post-defence support, immediately after the thesis (Column 2), formally extending support to the end of the academic year (31 August) when the thesis is defended, whether or not the student re-registers at univ.



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