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INED policy on hosting PhD students

28 Feb 2024

INED is the lead agency in the iPOPs project (Individuals, Populations, Societies), one of the hundred "laboratories of excellence" selected in 2010 by the Ministry of Higher Education and Research under its programme of investment in the future financed by the national loan scheme (known as "le Grand Emprunt"). [...] All PhD students hosted at INED, however funded, may access exactly the same resources: They work four or six to an office, each with a landline telephone and a desktop computer; They have an e-mail account and a personal page on the INED website; They have access to a videoconferencing system and the equipment required to use it; They have access to the bibliographical resources and servi. [...] the PhD student, the supervisors, including at least one INED researcher and the head of their INED research unit. [...] At least once a year, the student arranges a meeting to assess the past year and jointly define the stages still to be completed to finish their thesis within the funding period. [...] The committee's job is to assess the state of progress on the doctoral work to make sure first that it is such as to lead to presentation of a thesis in the allotted time.
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