cover image: UK Research and Innovation Equality Impact Assessment Form


UK Research and Innovation Equality Impact Assessment Form

16 Feb 2024

Pregnancy and Panel members are required to follow best maternity ☐ ☒ practice in taking positive steps to safeguard funding decisions, and are reminded of the conditions that may lead to unconscious bias during each meeting. [...] An applicant’s career path and track record may be STFC recognise this issue and the potential criticised due to the existence of a number of impact and will consider as part of the review. [...] STFC recognise this issue and the potential impact and will consider as part of the review that is planned for the CG mechanism. [...] Religion or belief Panel members are required to follow best ☐ ☒ practice in taking positive steps to safeguard funding decisions, and are reminded of the conditions that may lead to unconscious bias during each meeting. [...] Panel members may be unable to participate in Consideration will be given to the timing of meetings due to religious observances.


Clemency Hitchings - UKRI

Published in
United Kingdom