cover image: An aid to strategic responses to organized crime in South-Eastern Europe


An aid to strategic responses to organized crime in South-Eastern Europe

6 Mar 2024

It was developed within the framework of the Global Programme on Implementing the Organized Crime Convention: from Theory to Practice and pursuant to resolutions 10/4 and 11/2 of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime. [...] The organized crime landscape in South-Eastern Europe 9 v Overview and approach The present publication is part of a series of regional policy briefs summarizing the character of organized crime and formulating considerations relevant to the development of national and regional frameworks and strategies in key regions around the world. [...] This was recently reiterated in the report of the European Parliament on cooperation on the fight against organized crime in the Western Balkans (2021/2002(INI)), adopted in December 2021, in which the Parliament noted that links between organized crime, politics and businesses existed before the break-up of Yugoslavia and have continued since the 1990s, condemned the “apparent lack of will of the. [...] Such data are also an important starting point for the elaboration of frameworks for measuring organized crime, such as the one presented in the final report of the UNODC project on measur- ing and assessing organized crime in the Western Balkans, which is a rare example of a comprehensive measurement of the level, structure and markets of organized crime in the Western Balkans.24 International, r. [...] Therefore, there are clear opportunities to expand the scope and applicability of the assistance and protection afforded to victims, witnesses and whistle-blowers, including by building on the record of international and regional assistance programmes in the field, in particular those of the European Union.32 Among others, measures related to the compensation of victims of organized crime are in n.


United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

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