cover image: Revision of the European Works Councils Directive


Revision of the European Works Councils Directive

7 Mar 2024

The impact assessment (IA) was prepared after the evaluation, so the 'evaluation first' principle was properly followed. This IA relies on an external IA supporting study, a two-stage stakeholder consultation and independent research. The problem definition is clear and is accompanied by a problem tree, but there is a lack of solid evidence of what has worked and what has not. The IA presents 10 policy options; these are cumulative and some of the options do not seem to be relevant policy alternatives. The preferred option is discussed extensively in terms of effectiveness, efficiency, coherence and proportionality. The IA assesses the economic, social and fundamental rights impacts of all policy options. It also provides a competitiveness check, and concludes that the effect on competitiveness is negligible, but the incidence of legal actions or financial penalties is debatable. There is no SME test performed for this initiative because of the dimension of 'Community-scale undertakings'. The IA includes a sensitivity analysis and acknowledges limitations and uncertainties concerning quantification and cost data collection.
ex-ante impact assessment eu member states



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