


21 Feb 2024

From the invention of writing and much later the printing press transforming how information is recorded, stored, and disseminated; to the telegraph and telephone accelerating the speed of long-distance communication; to the radio and television enabling the mass broadcasting of audio; and then video; each of these innovations produced profound changes in human capital, social networks and identit. [...] The digital technology revolution that took off in the second-half of the 20th century is no exception, and in many ways marks the most significant transformation yet in terms of the speed, scale, and scope of the evolution of information and communication technologies. [...] 7 Impacts at the Market Level: Expanding the population of women with access to and use of meaningful connectivity can encourage improvements in the design of existing commercial, public, and social services and the provision of new services. [...] As these examples illustrate, new adoption of phones and the internet and the general expansion of demand is endogenous to the dynamic evolution of preferences, the fast-changing shape of supply curves, and the expanding production possibilities. [...] Leveraging the arbitrary roll out of the most popular social media network in Russia, VKontakte (VK), Enikolopov, Makarin, and Petrova (2020) show that a 10% increase in VK penetration increased the probability of a protest by 4.6% and the number of protesters by 19% during a spate of demonstrations in the wake of the 2011 election in Russia.


Philip Roessler

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