cover image: Modern Awards Review 2023-24 (AM2023/21) Submission cover sheet Name


Modern Awards Review 2023-24 (AM2023/21) Submission cover sheet Name

12 Mar 2024

We believe the recent gender equality amendments to the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) (FW Act), and the findings of the Senate Select Committee on Work and Care provide an opportunity for critical changes to be made to ensure the impacts of workplace relations settings on work and care are positive impacts.1 3. [...] On-call and recall to duty and sleepover provisions require employees to be ready and available to work at the direction of the employers. [...] For the purpose of access to carer’s leave, the definition of immediate family in the FW Act is too narrow to provide for the diversity of circumstances and relationships in which people provide necessary care to others in their families, kinship groups, and communities. [...] Increased access to flexible work arrangements through modern award provisions that enable workers to continue to earn income and maintain connection to the workplace is preferable and necessary to ensure they continue to meet the modern awards objective. [...] • All modern awards should contain provisions for personal and carer’s; leave to be provided to casual employees • all modern awards contain a provision for access to carer’s leave for any employee providing care for any person significant to the employee to whom the employee provides regular care.
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