cover image: Rights in Action: Localizing Human


Rights in Action: Localizing Human

12 Dec 2023

The Why The integration of HRBA into the policies and programs of cities and local governments is of paramount importance, driven by the myriad benefits it brings. [...] We must be cognizant of the pressing troubles of the times and the brewing potential of the present. [...] As part of the NHRI of the country, the CHR and its people understand the plight of its clients. [...] NACASUD-Nepal jointly designed the activities of the Through the course project, a rigorous review of the status of review exercise, highlighting the implementation of the Charter was carried out in partnership the importance of collaboration with NACASUD-Nepal. [...] Her learnings in the course on the SDGs and HRBA of RWI paved the way to its application through the City’s Budget, whereby the tenets of a human rights-based approach to planning and budgeting are institutionalized and mainstreamed in the different programs, projects, and activities of all departments in the City.
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