cover image: Shifting the narrative - Inspiring increased vaccine confidence across Central and Eastern Europe


Shifting the narrative - Inspiring increased vaccine confidence across Central and Eastern Europe

18 Jan 2024

Investing in systems designed for prevention A clear challenge for immunisation in the Central and Eastern Europe region is the lack of clarity among health staff as to the importance of immunisation for adults, and the role of preventative health interventions more broadly. [...] The data in figure 8 also demonstrates that the majority of countries in the Central and Eastern region of Europe responded well to the need for flu vaccination in the wake of COVID. [...] “There seems to be this cultural determinism, that the history of a country, the relationship between the citizen and the government can impact how citizens relate to healthcare and thus how the citizens relate to vaccination…So, I think this is due to historical reasons how the government was organised in the past, especially post-communist countries.” Dr Viktor Dombrádi, Hungary The abundance of. [...] Stakeholders suggested that vaccination communication needed: • To have stronger messages • To be tailored to different groups • To be shared by specific figures who are already known and trusted The messages used must be made clearer and simpler to make people more aware of the benefits of vaccination and the risks of vaccine- Shifting the narrative: Inspiring increased vaccine confidence across. [...] This event was to outline the findings of the project so far, and to benefit from the expertise of Romanian experts working in the EU country with some of the lowest levels of vaccine uptake.
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