cover image: The winds of change - Using marine spatial planning to create a responsible, nature-


The winds of change - Using marine spatial planning to create a responsible, nature-

5 Mar 2024

do good for people and a responsible custodian of the ocean the the planet by meeting The Australian Government has a plan to make call for clear guidelines for project approval Australia the renewable energy superpower climate targets cannot and sitings underpinned by biodiversity with a commitment to net-zero emissions by conservation, and sharing the ocean space afford to do so by 2050. [...] change solution the climate, are an important food source, At the national level, the South-east Regional An important part of the climate solution is Marine Plan prepared under the Australian sustain livelihoods, and protecting, and avoiding harm to, marine and Ocean Policy reflects the Commonwealth contribute to health and land ecosystems through the roll out and Government’s commitment to devel. [...] The case for a marine spatial planning What is marine spatial planning Shoal in the UK was refused planning consent due to the impacts upon seabird populations, framework Marine spatial planning (MSP) is a planning as well as the potential cumulative impacts process to organise the human uses of ocean of neighbouring offshore wind project spaces to maintain a healthy marine ecosystem developments.. [...] The Directions Paper acknowledges: production, specifically the development of responsible for the Marine and Coastal Act 2018 as the lead minister for marine spatial ecological character of the wetland governed It is essential to understand and evaluate the transmission network through VicGrid, planning, the Minister for Environment in by international agreements. [...] The Marine Spatial The map of the proposed zone indicated ‘areas Planning Framework used to guide this planning • Can help proponents avoid potentially costly to avoid’ for existing oil and gas titles, and the process is already supported and has been and damaging planning disputes with local Federal Beagle Marine Park, however it did developed under Victoria’s Marine and Coastal communities and o.
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