cover image: ED-C-19 Inquiry 211123 Module 2 Day 23_FINAL


ED-C-19 Inquiry 211123 Module 2 Day 23_FINAL

21 Nov 2023

Of course, by having two 25 difference in terms of the UK role, because the 5 6 1 CMO England is also the UK Government medical adviser, 1 meet with the presidents and the chairs of the medical 2 is there are a small number of areas, mainly of 2 royal colleges, and also with the NHS? 3 international importance, where it is the UK Government 3 A. [...] You advised on the 13 two months of the pandemic, was there any significant 13 accuracy of risk assessments, on the re-opening of 14 difference between you and the DCMOs in relation to who 14 closed sectors, comments on Prime Ministerial speeches, 15 initially responded to the emerging news of an epidemic 15 and then, over the page, on the roadmap, on 16 within China? 16 national/local messages, T. [...] 8 between the public health obligation to reduce 8 But in those, you know, those technical questions, 9 mortality, directly and indirectly, to stop the number 9 what we should actually give in terms of the public 10 of deaths, stop the number of indirect deaths that might 10 health advice, you had to actually give both sides of 11 be brought about by, for example, a collapse in the NHS 11 that adv. [...] My advice was -- by the time that SAGE had advice my 3 think about this over the course of the epidemic as 3 advice was the advice of SAGE, and the advice of SAGE at 4 a whole, and that was clearly going to go on for a lot 4 this point was extremely clear: that without action we 5 longer, hence why we put so much emphasis, for example, 5 were going to be in very deep trouble. [...] Given that, as is obvious, SAGE was 16 beginning of SAGE we usually had a maximum of two or 16 formed and constituted itself, certainly in the eyes of 17 three hours between SAGE beginning and COBRs actually 17 the government, as the primary form of scientific advice 18 meeting -- you do have to have a limit to the number of 18 to help it through the pandemic, would you agree that 19 people who ar.


Andrew Brotherston

Published in
United Kingdom