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ED-C-19 Inquiry 300124 Module 2A Day 10.ecl

30 Jan 2024

8 the role of Cabinet Secretary for Finance and the 8 When you stepped into that role, were you aware of 9 Economy for the remainder of the pandemic, indeed you 9 that information, either broadly or the specifics? 10 remained in the role until 28 March 2023; is that 10 A. [...] 2 which a member of my private office, I think you have 3 You have provided some WhatsApp messages that you 3 the reference -- the relevant message, which -- the 4 retained to the Inquiry; is that correct? 4 message deletion policy was given to me, and that was 5 A. [...] 9 the Economy Sub-Cabinet Group was established, and that 9 In your role, I understand it that you were 10 was chaired by my colleague Fiona Hyslop, who was the 10 responsible -- we'll get on to issues about the Treasury 11 Economy Secretary, but I had a role in meeting weekly 11 and contact with the UK Government in a moment, but 12 with the First Minister as well as with the Chief 12 I understan. [...] Is it the case that where these -- if I call those 4 that means is one has to try to find money in another 4 emergency funding grants -- if those emergency funding 5 place where less is spent in order to balance the books 5 grants were made available, was it within the gift of 6 at the end of the day? 6 the Scottish Government to decide what they would be 7 A. [...] 16 I think from the very beginning my Welsh and 17 That wasn't a question of personalities, I had very 17 Northern Irish counterparts and I all agreed that it 18 constructive relationships, but it was a question of the 18 couldn't bear the weight of an emergency, and we 19 systems, where the systems were just not set up to give 19 suggested a number of flexibilities that could be 20 us the budget.


Andrew Brotherston

Published in
United Kingdom