The Coronavirus Act, the UK Parliament Coronavirus Act, 12 So now with the -- in the world outside the 12 accords, in its schedules, powers, given the public 13 European Union and with our own single market, which is 13 health route that you described the UK Government having 14 so important to Scotland, and this is the last point 14 decided to take, to the Scottish Government to impose 15 I'll ma. [...] As I said earlier, I met 7 I explain in my witness statement, if the Scottish 7 with Jeane Freeman on 12 March, Matt Hancock and I met 8 Government had a problem with the UK Government, the 8 that evening -- not that we heard anything about the 9 best way to solve it was to go directly to the person in 9 outbreak that they knew about at the Nike conference in 10 the UK Government, and indeed we ha. [...] Why did the UK Government fail to provide the 16 had accorded clear powers to the Scottish Government to 16 Scottish Government with advance clarity as to the 17 manage the strategy in terms of the schedules of the 17 nature and extent of funding which it would provide for 18 2020 Act, did the way in which funding was allocated for 18 the Scottish Government to spend in its pandemic 19 that strate. [...] the 14 supported 137,000 self-employed jobs in Scotland, and 14 support was, I felt, proportionate at the time, and -- 15 I wanted that money to go directly to the businesses and 15 and I felt when furlough came to an end, it was -- 16 the people, particularly the self-employed people, who 16 looking at how the vaccine had impacted the spread of 17 needed -- who needed that money. [...] I wanted it to be 17 the virus or the -- how lethal the virus was, along with 18 a Treasury payment directly to them, because I felt that 18 the contribution of antivirals, I felt the judgement of 19 was the best way to go.
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