cover image: ‘Indigenisation and Technological Sovereignty: Key to Pakistan’s Defence


‘Indigenisation and Technological Sovereignty: Key to Pakistan’s Defence

15 Feb 2024

1 Lieutenant General Aamer Riaz (Retd), former President of the National Defense University, in his Keynote Address, underscored the profound influence of technological advancements on the character of warfare. [...] He stressed the importance of indigenous development of AI technologies to ensure strategic autonomy and technological sovereignty, highlighting the need for a balance between innovation and regulatory oversight. [...] 2 Mr Khawaja Mohammad Ali, a Cyber Security, Data Privacy, and Digital Forensics Expert, delineated the critical role of cyber operations in modern conflict, advocating for the establishment of a national cybersecurity authority; extensive training and awareness programmes; cyber diplomacy; and indigenous development in cybersecurity solutions. [...] He discussed the long-term process of narrative construction facilitated by technology, pointing to the need for authenticity and the significant impact of social media on public opinion. [...] 3 The seminar underscored the urgent need for Pakistan to embrace indigenisation and support homegrown technologies for enhanced national security and defence autonomy.
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