cover image: RSE - tree planting inquiry evidence - RSPB Scotland 2024


RSE - tree planting inquiry evidence - RSPB Scotland 2024

21 Feb 2024

We seek to establish the extent to which current practices are delivering these benefits, how far they represent good public value in the short and long term, and what more, if anything, could be done to improve public benefits in tackling the climate-nature crisis and the economic and social well-being of resident communities by tree planting, woodland and commercial forest management. [...] Do you have evidence on the role tree species choice and composition have in influencing biodiversity, timber production, flood management, and other outcomes? Do the species of trees and the mix of species help, hinder or change the balance of the benefits being sought? [500 words] Response: There is strong evidence that different tree species and woodland containing different tree species suppor. [...] However, the key to ESC is correct use, too often only the highest yield class tree species is selected, and any other choice is seen as a trade-off on productivity (profit), rather than mitigation of risk against future impacts of climate and pests and diseases, and opportunities for biodiversity and the delivery of other ecosystem services. [...] Do you have evidence that planted woodland and commercial forestry impedes the balance between itself and the biodiversity value of other landscapes, habitats or other biodiversity interests? [500 words] Response: The invasive seeding of non-native trees occurs is an example of bad practice, especially where the forest edge is too close to high biodiversity value and high carbon habitats. [...] The Scottish Government should implement the polluter pays principle, so that it is the owner of the forest, rather than the affected habitat, that has the duty to remove the invasive tree seedlings.


The Royal Society of Edinburgh

Published in
United Kingdom