cover image: Children living with disabilities and mother’s labor supply in developing


Children living with disabilities and mother’s labor supply in developing

22 Feb 2024

Due to strongly rooted cultural norms, the responsibility of care relies mostly on the female members of the household, especially mothers (Carpenter, 1980; Razavi, 2007), which may affect their labor supply.1 On the one hand, the child’s disability may reduce the mother’s labor supply because of the extra time she must spend caring for the child. [...] We note that for the functional and legal definitions, whatever the set of control variables, the same result is always reached (the sign and statistical significance of the 100% of the estimated coefficients, out of a total of 1024, coincide with the main estimation). [...] For functional disability in the SHW domains, 79% of the estimated coefficients for the full sample resulted negative and significant, as in the main estimation; and when the sample is divided by educational level, the percentage of coincidence reaches 100%. [...] 14 However, the Washington Group together with UNICEF warn that, due to the complexity of measuring disability in the population of children, it is not advisable to disseminate information on the population of 0 and 1 years old and to take precautions in the analysis of information on 2 to 5 years old. [...] The complexity of measuring disability in children is based on the heterogeneity of this population (from young children to adolescents), on the differences in their evolutionary development and on the intermediation of this information by those who answer the questionnaire, who are the parents or guardians (INDEC, 2018).
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